This fundamental document serves as a basis for analysing the political position of the Central Asian and Transcaucasian countries on the war in Ukraine, as well as providing concrete policy recommendations in this regard.
*Please note that green line marks the most important information about position pro Ukraine/against Russia, red line vice versa.
Kazakhstan is a member of the CSTO and the EAEU.
On the eve of the Russian invasion into Ukraine (February 23), the Kazakh foreign minister stated that the charter allows the use of military or peacekeeping forces only in the territory of the member countries. This way Kazakhstan indirectly declared its unwillingness to take part in possible conflict in Ukraine, including as a part of CSTO forces.
On February 26, the president of Kazakhstan held an operational meeting of the Security Council on the situation around Ukraine. However, there was no official statement on its results.
On February 28, a regional private Internet provider in Kazakhstan switched off broadcasting of Russian TV channels “because of their position on coverage of the situation in Ukraine“. The Ministry of Information of Kazakhstan stated that this was a private initiative; there was no ban on broadcasting Russian channels.
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